I hope you are keeping well and are adjusting to the new routine’s and lifestyle we are currently in.
Day-to-Day Life
There are going to be days when you feel good and other day’s when you’re not.
They’ll also be days when all you want to do is shout with frustration.
All these are normal emotions to have with everything that is going on in the world.
The key is to let the emotions happen and not to bottle things up. I have been experiencing all of the above.
With my situation and having shared custody of my children with their father, they are only with me for half the time. We’ve adjusted the normal routine to do a five day turn around to limit the travel to and from houses.
Although this means a great fun five day’s with them (and the usual parenting struggles we all have), it does means five days without them.
I also haven’t seen my significant other for three weeks with no idea when we can see each other again. All I can say is thank goodness for What’s App video calls.
I am very thankful that I’m with mum and that I’m not experiencing any time by myself with no human contact which many people are.
My point to all this is that we are all in this together and we will get through this. I do have concerns on how we will come out of lock down as this needs to be a staggered adjustment to reality. Only time will tell how this is going to be addressed.
The other issue is how long the queue is going to be. No, not for the supermarket, but for the hairdresser!! Although, as time goes on I may let my hair grow……..
Zoom Classes
I would like to thank you all again for the continued support with our live Zoom classes. I have had many messages of thanks and appreciation for keeping you focused and fit, but it works both ways. Being able to still provide you with your weekly dose of Pilates keeps me focused and sane (well, not sure about the latter!)
I’ve listed below classes for next week. I’m thinking about adding an additional class on Tuesday 21st April at 9:30. Please could you let me know if you would like me to run it and if demand is there, I will happily oblige.
Our class timetable for the week beginning 20th April:
Monday 20th April 12:30 pm Pure Core
Wednesday 22nd April 09:30 am Strength
Friday 24th April 8:00pm Mobility & Flexibility
Last week I mentioned that I was adding a Shop to my website. I am happy to say that it is now live.
All the equipment I use in classes, including our live Zoom sessions can be found in the Shop.
There will also be other items you many find interesting such as books and sports wear.
Click the link to take a peek Sam H Pilates Shop
See you tonight at 12:30pm for our Strength.
Stay safe and well
