I had two very excited children on Sunday morning when we looked out of the bedroom window to see the snow coming down thick and fast. Jay was washed and dressed so quickly and came back up stairs before I’d even got out of bed with a tray full of snow! ”Look what I’ve got Mummy!”
We were out in the snow for the best part of three hours building snow dogs, making snow castles, snow angles and playing snow ball fights. Loving the snow so much and wanting to save a snowball, Livvy and Jay put one in the freezer, which I think is still there. I must check….
My amazing mum was 68 on Wednesday (she’s not going to thank me for that!) so Livvy and I got busy making a chocolate cake filled with cream and strawberry jam. Jay turned up to help when it was time to decorate and did rather a lot of taste testing with the chocolate orange!
A MASSIVE chocolate hit, but very delicious and there’s still some left!
It’s February next week (January seems to have vanished) which means the start of our new combinations in our Zoom Room. I’ve had requests to include work with the Fairy Ring, Foam Roller and Balance Disc which I’m only too happy to oblige. I’ll also be including work with Balance Pods.
All workouts can be done without the equipment as there’ll be plenty of options. However, if you’d like to have a go at using any of these Pilates play things and you don’t have any, they are all available form the shop on my website. Click the link below to find out more.
Looking forward to taking you through some great challenges next week.