I just wanted to check in and see how you’re getting on with FUSION. I really enjoy putting the weekly workouts together and I hope that you’re getting the most out of them.
September’s workouts have a ‘pairs’ theme. Your two weekly workouts can be done back to back to create a longer session that flows and the exercises compliment each other.
I’m currently planning and filming October’s sessions, but I’m still open to requests or suggestions, so let me know if you’d like me to include anything in particular.
I’ve started a FUSION referral scheme. Recommend FUSION to a friend/family member/colleague and you’ll receive a 121 Pilates session with me, either in the studio or via Zoom.
All you need to do is send them this link: https://www.samhpilates.com/membership/ and I’ll contact you to book your 121 Pilates session when they’ve signed up as a full paying member.
What could be easier than that?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions!