Are you at risk from back pain?

There are risk factors that can increase the chances of developing back pain

Being overweight – the extra weight puts pressure on the spine and will alter the way you move resulting in an altered posture

Pregnancy – as baby grows the mum’s body will adapt the way in which it moves placing extra pressure and strain on the back

Stress – stress causes tension in the muscles of the back and neck which can result in back pain

Depression – back pain can make people feel depressed, which can sometimes result in weight gain leading to more severe pain and worsening depression.

Weak abdominal muscles – if the core muscles of the body or the ‘powerhouse’ from which all movement initiates from are weak, this will place extra strain on the back

Overcoming back pain

To avoid back pain, you need to reduce excess stresses and strains on your back and ensure that your back is strong and supple.

If you have recurring bouts of back pain, the following advice may be useful:

Lose any excess weight

Wear flat shoes with cushioned soles, as these can reduce the stress on your back

Avoid sudden movements or muscle strain

Try to reduce any stress, anxiety and tension

Exercise is an excellent way of preventing back pain and reducing any back pain you might have

However, if you have chronic back pain (back pain that has lasted more than three months), consult your GP before starting any exercise program

Why Pilates?

Pilates improves the flexibility and the strength of your back muscles and strengthens the core. It is a very controlled exercise that focuses on breathing, posture, abdominal and back strength and relaxation