Exciting news!
Coming in the New Year a brand new Phygital Program. What’s that I hear you say? It’s where we combine the physical world with the digital world.
Fusion Elements is a mix n match program that allows you to create a very bespoke workout just for you depending on where you’re at in life. Maybe you have niggles that need sorting, perhaps you’re in rehab after an injury or maybe you’re about to have a baby.
Elements lets you choose your warm up and cool down, we have specific workouts for specific problem areas or conditions and you get to choose your flexibility and meditation sessions too.
If you’re already a Fusion member this is all part of the programme.
Studio Pilates
If you’d like to join me in the studio before Christmas, I have two spaces available on Wednesday 23rd December @ 7.15pm.
Let me know via Whats App ASAP if you’d like to book one.
Thank you
2020 has been a bum of a year and has affected all of us in one way or another, none of which has been easy. What we must all remember is. that no matter how hard things get, we’re not alone.
We’ve been there for each other via Zoom classes and Whatsapp messages and it’s been amazing. I’m so proud and honoured to be part of such a wonderful extended family.
Being able to continue our classes to keep us fit and sane has not only been lots of fun, it’s also helped me to stay focused and keep smiling.
I’ve had my ups and downs, tears and frustration but I’ve also had so much support from you. I can’t say thank you enough. I’m looking forward to the day we can get back to some normality, but until then we’ll continue meeting in the Zoom room and enjoy our Pilates classes.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a healthy New Year and looking forward to 2021 being the year everything turns a corner.