Have you ever just taken a moment?
I mean really sat back, taken a breath and noticed everything around you.
What can you see?
What can you hear?
What can you smell?
The world moves so fast that we get caught up in ‘life’ that the simple things that give us most joy can easily be over looked and missed.
My little Herbert’s and I took time out over the weekend and did just that.
We had an ice cream in the sun, went conker collecting and played frisbee.
At our local park there’s a drainage ditch which is lovely and grassy in the good weather and ideal for rolling down the bank into the middle which Livvy and Jay did with great hilarity. They rode their bikes up and down the slopes giggling and laughing as they did.
Pure music to your ears and the feeling of such warmth in your heart.
Even when Jay’s chain came off and got completely tangled (with no hope in getting it back on without tools) he turned his bike upside down and tried to fix it.
We then took a casual walk back home, Livvy loaded up with the conker find and Jay pushing his bike – one handed as he was clutching a bug he’d found in the other.
Take your moment now (and no saying ”I haven’t got time” – you’re sat reading this newsletter).
Get up and go and stand outside.
If it’s sunny – get your shades.
If it’s cold – get a coat.
If it’s raining – get an umbrella.
What can you see?
Now close your eyes.
What can you hear?
What can you smell?
How do you feel?
Feels good doesn’t it?
Take time out – you deserve it.